聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第68回 第1次コンゴ戦争(Bible & Cold War 68th 1st Congo War)


しかもモブツは隣のルワンダから逃げてきた人たち(バニャムレンゲ/バニャルワンダ)を自分の好きなように利用し、ルワンダ内戦(第66回参照)を煽動して悪行の上乗せをやってのけ、地域の治安をめちゃくちゃにした(大湖地方の難民危機)ため、ルワンダ愛国戦線(RPF)政権(バニャムレンゲと仲良し)が反モブツ派(コンゴ・ザイール解放民主勢力連合/ AFDL)と組み、ザイール政府を攻撃しました。










Since 1965, DR of Congo was ruled as Zaire by Pro US Dictator Mobutu, but he was the man who cared about only himself, & he monopolized Wealth of Nation & killed people he hating, & carried out Invasion to Angola also, so Zaire became poorer.

And Mobutu used People who escaped from Rwanda next to Zaire (Banyamulenge) as he like & add his evils more through incited Rwandan Civil War (See 66th) & broken down Security of Region (Great Lakes refugee crisis), so RPF Administration (Ally of Banyamulenge) cooperated with Anti Mobutu Group (ADFL) & attacked Zaire Government.


At first it was back & forth, but Angolan Socialist Government began fight with AFDL & Anti Government Group (UNITA) began fight with Zaire Government, so it was unified with Angolan Civil War (See 57th. 1975-2002), so AFDL gained the upper hand.

And AFDL won & Mobutu (Zaire Government) was retaliated by drove many innocent people to death for 32 years.


Tyranny & Evil deeds & Invasion of Mobutu were seem as everlasting, but the LORD didn't forgave it & expelled Mobutu from Political World.

Like this, the LORD is Love but at the same time he is Justice, so he punish Evil surely.


I have seen a wicked & ruthless man flourishing like a luxuriant native tree, but he soon passed away & was no more; though I looked for him, he could not be found. (Psalms 37:35-36)