聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第22回 コンゴ動乱(Bible & Cold War 22nd Congo Crisis)

Par 1(1枚目〜3枚目)









Part 2(4枚目〜7枚目)









Part 1 (1st-3rd)

1950s, Independent Movement were occurred in Belgian Congo, & it will escalated to beaten up between Belgium Government & Independent Group and confused, so Belgium recognized Independent reluctanly (Republic of Congo), but Belgians got into shape & began beaten up each other between some people of Congo.

Belgium Army intervened it & Kasa-Vubu flattered them, & Lumumba arbitrated desperately. In this situation, Southern that rich by Mines & peaceful declared its Independence (Katanga, South Kasai).

Belgium want concession of Mines of Southern so supported them, so Government Army are supported by USSR & began beat up South Kasai.


US Enemy of USSR & Mobutu, Kasa-Vubu beat up Lumumba together, so Supporter of Lumumba established Resist Government in Eastern (Free Republic of Congo), so Lumumba escaped to join it, but he was arrested on the way by Troop of Mobutu & handed over to Katanga Army & be killed by them.


It was so terrible so UN intervened it, and UNSG (Hammarskjold) go to the site, but he was killed by Katanga Army (1961 Ndola UN DC-6 crash) and these were so terrible, so US & UN supported Government & beaten up & destroyed Katanga & South Kasai together.


Part 2 (4th-7th)

But after that, self-centeredness people rose up in Government, so Socalists without frustration (Aimed Rich Society of Everyone) rebelled (Simba Rebels, Kwilu Rebels), & Eastern Nations like USSR, China supported it.

As response, US & Belgium like dispatched Violent Mercenaries like gangsters (5th Commando Unit etc.) for support Government Army, so after beaten up each other, Government Army dissapeared except Eastern Area.


In this Conflict, Mobutu used US & various dastardly means & seized Power.

He masqueraded as bring Peace to Congo, & thrwon Congo & neighboring nations into the mess for 32 years.


Even fool are thought wise if they keep silent, and discerning if they hold their tongues. (Proverbs 17:28)