聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第8回 第2次世界大戦(Bible and Cold War 8th WWII)






































It is Global War between Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan etc.) and Allied Powers (US, USSR, UK, China etc.).


After WWI, US that unrelated to War Damage prospered as Financial Center of the World, but on 9-10. 1929, suddenly FRB (National Bank of US) carried out Monetary Tightening.

It triggered Stock Market Crash, and the World plunged into Poverty (The Great Depression).


Nation that having Wide Colonies like UK and France almost stopped most of Trade with other countries (Block Economy), so Nations almost or completely not having became poor more.

So Japan carried out Military Operation against China (Mukden Incident), and Germany (Nazis Germany) and Italy advanced their steps to Territory Expansion and Industrial Promotion.

Because Demand of Hitler in the beginning was legitimate, UK and France tolerated it (Munich Agreement), but they commited fatal mistake by they didn't demanded Repeal of Discrimination against Jewish and some others instead of they accept Legitimate Demands of Hitler, from the viewpoints of support legitimate rights of every people.


1939, Germany crushed and annexed Poland with USSR, so UK and France declared War against Germany, and WWII was begun.

Germany destroyed Denmark, Norway, Netherland, Belgium, Luxemburg, and suppressed most of Europe like France, Yugoslavia, Greece.

And set Reich Commissioner and establishe Puppet States to suppressed places, and helped Italy while they struggled in Northern Africa.


1941, Germany attacked USSR, and Japan attacked US (Attack on Parl Harbor) because US made heavy-handed demands against Japan (Hull Note) without Ceasefire Negotiations (Japan carried out Military Operation against Whole China since 1937), so WWII expanded to Far East (Greater Far East War/ Far East War/ Pacific War).

In the beginning, Germany and Japan advanced smoothly, but Germany was defeated in Stalinglad (1943), and Japan was defeated in Midway (1942) and Imphal (1943), so since then, Germany and Japan were overwhelmed by Allied Powers. 


Allied Nation held Conference before destroy Axis Powers authentically.

Casablanca: Policy against Italy

Tehran: Policy against Germany

Cairo: Policy against Japan


After that, US and UK Army suppressed Northern Africa and forced surrender to Italy (But immidiately later, German Army suppressed Whole Italy except Southern), and USSR Army beaten up Gernam Army in many places in Eastern Europe, and in Pacific Ocean, US beaten up Japan in many places.

And US and UK Army suppressed France (Invasion of Normandy), and crushed and destroyed Germany with USSR.

Immediatley before destroy Germany, US, UK, USSR decided they control Power of World after this War (Yalta Conference).

And UK, US, China forced surrender to Japan (Potsdam Declaration), and dropped Atomic Bombs to Hiroshima, Nagasaki and massacred Hundreds of Thousands Civilians (For Intimidation against USSR), and at the same time USSR attacked Manchuria and Sakhalin, Kuril.

Japan was generally dominant in Asia, but be defeated thoroughly in Pacific Ocean and almost achieved unavailable to be healed level, so finally surrendered.


In this War, 80 Milions of People were massacred (Especially USSR and China protruding), but it became the base of USSR that paid biggest sacrifice to destroy Nazis Germany increase its Satellite Nation.

And Jewish People gathered to Palestine through Holocaust (Mass Genocide against Jewish by Hitler), and it became step to Reestablishment of Israel, and US and USSR supported it became Leader of the World after this War.


I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curse you I will curse. (Genesis 12:3)

He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price. (Daniel 11:39)