聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第12回 第1次インドシナ戦争(Bible and Cold War 12nd 1st Indochina War)




















1st Indochina War


1941, Japanese Army stationed French Indochina, and put it under its control completely on 1945 (Operation Bright Moon).

In such Indochina, Vietmin (Origin of Vietnamese Government) took power and declared Independence of Vietnam on day that Japan surrendered completely.


Vietmin aim at Independence that based on Socialism and do same in Whole Indochina, so it was supported by USSR, and some Japanese Holdouts also.

France insisted on Federation System (Indochina Federation) with Secure of its Interests in Southern (Republic of Cochinchina), so Vietnam insisted on Completely Independence of Vietnam, France angered and began to beat up Vietnamese Army.


France keep Hong River Delta (Surrounding of Hanoi) and main cities and established Puppet State for possess Whole Vietnam (State of Vietnam), but faced with Fierce Resistance of Vietnamese Army that seized control of Mountains and Countrysides, and be beaten up like lice.

And Socialist Nation was established on China (PRC) on 1949, and they supported Vietnamese Army that having same Ideology strongly.

On the other hand, France struggled with Support of US that fear Expansion of Eastern (USSR, PRC...) Powers, but Vietnamese Army cooperated with its Funny Friends (Pathet Lao) and trifled French Army.


French Army deployed at Northwestern Mountains to shut Contact between Vietnamese Army and its Funny Friends, but faced Surprise Attack of Vietnamese Army and be beaten up (Battle of Dien Bien Phu).


France recognized Independence of Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia), and handed over its all of Interests to US and withdrawn.

With Cooperation of USSR, PRC, Japanese Holdouts, Vietnam took the first step for Completely Independence of Indochina even face its Enemy Puppet of US in Southern (State of Vietnam/South Vietnam) (Unification through Referendum was promised, but it wasn't kept).


The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. (Psalms 103:6)