聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第10回 第2次中国内戦(Bible and Cold War 10th 2nd Chinese Civil War)















2nd Chinese Civil War


Kuomintang that took control China with Support by US (ROC Government) and Communist that conflicted with ROC Government with support of USSR cooperated each other and fought against Japan (KMT-CCP Alliance) in Sino-Japanese Conflict, but Japan was defeated, so both fell down into Hostilities in a moment, and begun Civil War again.


Government (Kuomintang) became weaker by Struggle against Japan, but CCP increased support by Guerrilla Warfare and Promotional activities, and steady activities like seize Lands of Landlords and give these to poor peasants, and in addition, so many weapons that including seized from Japanese Army were given to them by USSR, so they beat up Government Army in many places.


In addition to Corruption, Missteps, and de facto Cessation of US Support (At this time, Group that connected with CCP had expanded considerably in US), Government were full defeated, and finally Capital Nanjing was robbed.

And by CCP declarated Establishment of PRC (1949), ROC Government was full ignored by Easterns (USSR and Allies), and Mainland China including Tibet and East Turkistan was full controled by CCP, and ROC Government was escaped to Taiwan (At this time, some members of Japanese Army were fought well in Support for Taiwan and success to protect Taiwan/ Baituan).


After that PRC (CCP) took control of China and established its International Status firmly through Support for Independence from Western Colonies, however ROC (Kuomintang) is continuing until today as Pro-Western Group (Nation) that possess surrounding of Taiwan.


He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him.

He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price. (Daniel 11:39)

→CCP was established through Support by USSR, and gained The Land.