聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第15回 朝鮮戦争(Bible & Cold War 15th Korean War)



























After WWII, Independent Nation (People's Republic of Korea) was established by mainly Lyuh Woon-hyung.

But Korea was separated by USSR that advanced to Northern after destroyed Manchuria (People's Commitee of North Korea) & US that occupied Japan controlled Southern (US Military Army Government in Korea).


In this situation, Syngman Rhee (Ultra Right) was appeared, and he carried out Election in only Southern with Collusion with US, and established ROK (South Korea), and massacred people who having different opinions like Lyuh Woon-hyung.

Kim Il-Sung saw it, so he established DPRK (North Korea) with Collusion with USSR.


In this time, US was taking the attitude that Taiwan, Korea, Indochina should be manage on their own (Acheson Line), so Kim Il-Sung took it to mean that he can do whatever he wants in continent, so on 1950, Kim Il-Sung attacked South Korea suddenly after he got Understand of USSR.


North Korean well-prepared attack brought South Korea to the brink of destruction.

In this time, Syngman Rhee massacred people who he thought were Socialist (Bodo League Massacre, Jeju Uprising etc.), and North Korea massacred people who they thought were Right Wings.


But UN denounced North Korea, & and UN Forces that main is US Forces under the command of MacArthur attacked North Korean Army from two side, Incheon & Daegu (Operation Sledgehammer).

As the result, North Korean Army was routed (Some of them resisted as Guerrillas till 1953), & UN and South Korean Forces drove North Korea to the blink of destruction.

(In Operation Sledgehammer, Japanese who familiar with Geography of Korea contributed to the victory of UN Army, and UN Forces could fought by Provision of the bases by Japan.)


But PRC (Be established on 1949, and conflicted with ROC that be recognized Legitimate Government by International Society till 1970s) sent 1,000,000 Troops (People's Volunteer Army), so UN Forces were overwhelmed by human wave tactics, and retreated to Vicinity of Seoul.

Both Army repeat struggle on 2 Years and half in Vicinity of Border, but in this situation, MacArthur claimed Drop Nuclear Weapons to PRC that supporting North Korea, so Truman fired him as Idea of MacArthur is so crazy.

(In this time, MacArthur advocated Japanese Participation to the War, but Syngman Rhee said "If Japan participated the War, we will fight against Japan instead of North Korea" even South Korea can fight by UN Forces that Japan providing the bases.)

After that, Truce was reached with North Korea had won (Korean Armistice Agreement. South Korea didn't signed).


In the first place, this War would never happened if Syngman Rhee and US, USSR hadn't carried away & built where they can do whatever they like.

However, it is the Truth that Power Balance between Western & Eastern are keeping well by Sacrifice of UN Forces and Japanese Contribution that saved South Korea, and Struggle of PRC that saved North Korea.

The Best Result is these Truth were remembered and Korea are unificated peacefully and mildly by Will of Every People in Korea.


For where you have envy & selfish ambition, there you find disorder & every evil practice. (James 3:16)