聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第37回 ヤバすぎ! デュヴァリエ王朝(Bible & Cold War 37th So crazy!! Duvalier Dynasty)













In Haiti Island Nation in Carribean Sea where confusion is continued since Independence, Francois Duvalier (Papa Doc) was appeared as Doctor who support Rights of Black People & be elected in Presidential Election on 1957, but became Dictator immediately after attempted coup against him.


He likened himself to Guede Reaper of Vodou (Paganism of Haiti) & sold his Soul to Devil (Satan), & massacred people who he hate by Tonton Macoute (Secret Police. Lived by Crimes).


His successor Jean-Claude (Bebe Doc) tattered down Nation by Massacre of Opposites & Exploitation.

But finally People so angered & rebelled, & US & France ignored him, so he was ousted.


The End of them who do likened itself as god & massacre anyone who dislike like Mao Zedong (Massacred more than 100 Million People who he dislike by Red Guards/Worshipers of him→Cultural Revolution) were bummer.

So we can know that the End of person who likened itself as god & elated is come in an instant.


But you are a mere mortal & not a god, though you think you are as wise as a god. (Ezekiel 28:2)