聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第14回 第1次中東戦争(Bible & Cold War 14th 1st Middle East War)






















1st Middle East War


Since beginning of 20C, Jews were came from Europe to Palestine, and Movement for Re-establishment of Israel (Zionism Movement) was activated, and there were some cases that Sharecropper (Fallahin) of Arabian Landlords (Effendi) imigrated to Free Jewish Settlement.


In this situation, UK expressed Support for Establishment of State of Arabs in Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, Syria (Hussein-McMahon Agreement), Setting Scope of Influence with France, Russia in Middle East (Sykes-Picot Agreement), Support for Zionism (Balfour Declaration) with skillful adjustment.

UK could won in War against Germany (WWI) by US join under influence of Jewish Conglomerates, so supported Zionism as return of it.

UK decided these stealthily (Secret Diplomacy), so be angered from many groups, so withdrawn Support for Zionism on 1939 (McDonald Dossier).


Most of Arabs in Palestine lived with Jews friendly, but Fanatical Arab Nationalism Terrorist (Teacher of Islam anyway) Amin al-Husseini incited Hate Crimes against Jewishes that based on Hate speeches (At this time in Palestine, literacy rate of Palestine was so low, so the risk of people were misled by unknown information was so high), and he was arrested by it once but the Pardon was given (1921), so with McDonald Dossier (written in above), it carried him away, and finally he had Meeting with Hitler and motivated him about Holocaust (Mass Genocide against Jews) (1941).


After WWII, UK that made Hussaini got carried away and messed up Palestine threw all of the Post War issues to UN and withdrawn from Palestine.


1948, Israel declared Independence by based on UN Partition Plan of Palestine (Recommend Level), Arab Nations began beat up Israel by everyone.

Situation was so hopeless because Arab Army was 150,000 but Israel was only 30,000 Militia, and UN prohibited Israeli Possessions of Weapons, but Czekoslovakia diverted Weapons (Including those seized from Nazis Germany) to Israel (Barak Operation), and with high moral and Army Composition (Integrated Militia), Israel won to Arab Army, and liberated Palestine except Gaza (Controlled by Egypt), West Bank and East Jerusalem (Controlled by Transjordan).


Israel was revived again on 1878th since it was destroyed, after overcame many trials like Outbreak of Conflicts by Instigation of Hussaini.

The Work of God was clearly expressed in the form that appropriate to the name of counrty that meaning "The Rule of God".


And I will cause many people to live on you- yes, all of Israel.

The towns will be inhabited & the ruins rebuilt. (Ezekiel 36:10)