聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第2話 ロシア革命(Bible and Cold War 2nd Russian Revolution)












Russian Revolution


First, against Tyranny of Russian Emperor Nicolai II without limit after Bloody Sunday (1905), Russian People reached the limit of patience in the midst of Exaustion by WWI and drag down Emperor, and Russian Provisional Government was established by Kelensky taken its Power (Feburuary Revolution).


But Repel against Menshevik (Moderate Group) like Kelensky that continued WWI were increased, so they were expelled by Bolshevik (Radical Group) that Lenin led (October Revolution).


Russian Empire that persecuted People by Serfdom and massacred Opposites, and discriminated and persecuted Jewish (In Russian, there is word Pogrom that meaning Hate Crimes against Jewish) was destroyed by Emperor Family were massacred by Bolshevik Soviet, but we can see it as Punishment by oppressed People for long times.

If took care People and Jewish, it will never be destroyed by Soviet...


Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields (Serfs) are crying out against you. The cried of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. (James 5:4)