聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第65回 ユーゴスラヴィア紛争(Bible & Cold War 65th Yugoslav Wars)

















In Yugoslavia that stand around well by Mild Socialism (Workers' self-management), Independent Movements were outbroken by influence of Revolutions of 1989, & Slovenia in Northwestern was independent (10-Day War).

Leader in this time Milosevic was lack on skill to settle it, so Independent Groups were rebelled in Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina.


Independent Groups & Serbian Groups (Krajna, Srpska. Serbia Boss of Yugoslavia supported them) massacred each other (Croatian War of Independence, Bosnian War), so Western European Nations (NATO) saw it, so for set Eastern Europe under its Power, they shifted the blames to Serbian Groups & intervened the War (Operation Deliberate Force), so Croatia elated & exterminated Serbian Group (Krajna) with Residents (Operation Storm).

In Bosina & Herzegovina, Conflict was ended forcely by Pressure of US by everyone unite (Dayton Agreement).


Several years later from it, Albanian Terrorists (KLA) committed crimes against Serbians, so Yugoslavian Government suppressed it excessively (Kosovo War).

NATO wanted to set Yugoslavia under its Power, so took up only Crimes by Yugoslavian Government & intervened the War (Operation Allied Force).

War was end by UN management Kosovo (It independent on several years later), & Milosevic fallen off from its Position by Anti Government Movements that Westerns agitated (Bulldozer Revolution).

(And NATO managed Conflict between Government & Albanians in North Macedonia/ 2001 Insuregency in Macedonia & increased its Influencial Power, but lost Trust from Russia Friend of Yugoslavia.)


Now, Interested Nations of these Conflicts having Close Relations with Nations that Main Nations in this World (Israel, Russia, Europe) like Serbia is Pro Russia & the others are Pro Europe (Kosovo add the status of Most Pro Israel in Europe).

So solve Weirs that left till now (Legitimacy of Independence of Kosovo etc.) fair is necessary.


Maintain justice & do what is right, for my salvation is close at hand & my righteousness will soon be revealed. (Isaiah 65:1)