聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第66回 ルワンダ内戦(Bible & Cold War 66th Rwandan Civil War)












In Rwanda & its neighborhood Burundi Former Colonies of Belgium, Minority Tutsi controlled Majority Hutu, but by deteriorating of Relationship between Tutsi & Belgium Government (Rwandan Revolution), Belgium supported Anti Tutsi movements by Hutu (Hutu Power), so Rwanda was independent with bullying against Tutsi.

After that, Moderate Hutu Habyarimana became President by Coup & brought Peace barely to Rwanda, but Tutsi that escaped to Rwanda formed RPF & advanced to Northern Rwanda & done Civil War for 3 Years.


Immediately after Reconciliation (Arusha Accords), Crazy Hutu Group (Interahamwe, Impuza Mugambi) colluded with France & assassinated President Habyarimana by shoot down his Airplane, & massacred many Tutsi & Moderate Hutu by its momentum (Rwandan Genocide. Similar thing was occurred in Burundi).

RPF angered about it & took Rwanda under its control, & RPF advanced Reconciliation between Hutu & Tutsi, & brought Peace to Rwanda (Rwanda is Pro Western Neutral Nation now like Pro Israel).


This Conflict was triggered by Hatefulness that be planted & be incited by Western European Tyranny, but Rwanda overcame it & became one of the most Peaceful & developed Nation in Africa.

Like this, most Conflicts are end by have Awareness as One Nation in the World & support Peace.


Get rid of all bitterness, rage & anger, brawling & slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind & compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ephesians 4:31-32)