聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第58回 チャド・リビア紛争(Bible & Cold War 58th Chadian-Libyan War)

















In Chad that independent on 1960, Tombalbaye (Southern, Christian) treated Muslim (Northern) coldly, so Northern angered & rebelled with Libyan Support.

Tombalbaye sold Nation by ceded Aouzou (Northernmost), so he was killed by Coup.

New Leader Malloum took Anti Libyan Group (Habre) in his side, but he was defeated & could avoid Destruction by French Support.


Goukouni (Pro Libya) & Habre (Anti Libya) established Provisional Government (GUNT) together, but Goukouni didn't trust Habre & expelled him, so Habre strike back & won.

After that, Habre/ Chad Government (France supported) & Goukouni/ GUNT (Libya supported) massacred each other on 5 Years, but finally Habre won (The Great TOYOTA War), & ceasefire by Mediation by Organization of African Unity (OAU).

(As a side note, Final Stage of this Conflict The Great TOYOTA War was named from both sides used Mini Truck of TOYOTA.)


In this Conflict, Chad repelled Libyan Invasion.

At the same time, even acquired Victory, Habre massacred many people in its process, so he was expelled by Coup of his Subordinate Deby.

Like Deby acquired Final Victory in Disappointment Situation like Conflict, Genoside, the LORD give Best Result for People who doing Justice.

It is Sure Promise that keep sane & give encouragement for People who believing the LORD.


For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again,

but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes. (Proverbs 24:16)