1953, Stalin was died & Khrushchev became his Successor.
Stalin stolen so many Foods from Ukraine & drove Several Million People to Starvation for make money as much as possible & remove lemnants of Ukraine People's Republic (1917-1920) that resisted against USSR most with struggle (Holodomor), but Khrushchev is from Donbass Eastern of such Ukraine.
Stalin executed People who he hate in an instant during his life (Great Terror. Every Excellent Officers of Military were executed then, so USSR were overrun by Nazis Germany), so Khrushchev obeyed Stalin for wasn't hated, but he condemned Stalin in Party in Congress of the Party after he dead (About Cult of Personality, Great Terror, High-handed attitude against Yugoslavia).
Through it, he can fixed Relations between Western Nations, but China (PRC) and Albania began to anger against USSR cause they worshiped Stalin (Sino-Soviet Split).
But Overcontrol against Religion & Surveilance Society wasn't changed till Destruction of USSR.
It was good that USSR could reflect Problems by Stalin, but even if Humans repent of their deeds on past, it's only Temporary relief.
True repentance is believe Salvation of Christ that bear Sin of Human & died at the cross & resurrected.
Because through it, we can go to Heaven instead of Hell Punishment against Sin.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful & just & will forgive us our sins & purify us from all unrighteousness. (I John 1:9)