聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第29回 第2次インドシナ戦争(Bible & Cold War 29th 2nd Indochina War)


















After the End of 1st Indochina War on 1954, Vietnam was divided by Government in Northern (Communism) & South Vietnam (Puppet of US).

In such South Vietnam, President Ngo Dinh Diem beat up Buddhists (Buddhists Crisis) so Anti US Guerrillas (National Liberation Front for South Vietnam/ NLF) were activated, & he was elated against Suzerain State US too, so he was eliminated by US.


After that, US began beat up Vietnam for the reason, the lie that Vietnam attacked US Navy (Gulf of Tonkin Incident), with the lead of CIA & War Business Capitalist Group that assassinated President Kenedy who aimed Reconciliation between Eastern Nations (Operation Rolling Thunder).

US carried out War Crimes like Indiscriminate bombing, Mass Genocides, sprayed Defoliants to Jungles (Base of NLF) with Allies, & bombed Surroundings of Route for support NLF via Laos, Cambodia (Ho Chi Minh Trail).


After Offensive of Vietnam Army (Tet Offensive), US carried out Establishment of Puppet Administration in Cambodia (Republic of Khmer) & invaded Laos, but couldn't won Vietnam & Allies, so withdrawn from South Vietnam (Paris Peace Accords).


After that, Republic of Khmer was destroyed first, & Vietnam Army & NLF destroyed South Vietnam together (Operation Ho Chi Minh), & Kingdom of Laos that remained till the end was destroyed from the inside.


This War activated Former Colonies in Asia & Africa because it is First Defeat of US, & promoted Socialization of some Nations because it is destruction of Pro US Nation by Socialism (In these, Syria & Iraq hostile with Pro US Nation Israel even despite some changes).


The LORD used this War that be outbroken by Promise of Referendum after 1st Indochina War for Unification was broken down, for Liberation of Indochina & Great his Work in the End of this World.


All a person's ways seen pure to them, but motives are weighed by the LORD. (Proverbs 16:2)

The LORD works righteous & justice for all the oppressed. (Psalms 103:6)