聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第19回 アルジェリア戦争(Bible & Cold War 19th Algerian War)














After WWII, many Independent Movements that inspired by Japan beaten up UK (Had most Colonies in the World at this time) were occurred in Asia & Africa, and in Algeria that be controlled by France since 1830, Independent Revolution Group (FLN) was formed in the Year that Vietnam (Former French Colony) beaten up France (1954).


France beaten up people that they thought Member of FLN, and FLN fought against it, but Third World and Eastern Nations mainly Egypt support FLN.

In this situation, Inside of France was confused about Independence of Algeria (May 1958 Crisis in France), and de Gaulle who became Leader as the result of it recognized Independence of other Colonies (Year of Africa), and show stance to recognize Independence of Algeria.

Ultra Right Wings and some Europeans (Pied-Noir) angered against it rebelled (Week of Barricades) and tried to remove de Gaulle (Algiers putsch of 1961), so de Gaulle annoyed it and reconciled with FLN (Evian Accords), and recognized Independence of Algeria after Referendum.


In Algeria, some weirs were remained like Vengeances against Pro-French Algerians (Harki), but it took its step as New Independent Nation that set apart from Western Europe.

(As a side note, some Japanese like Zengakuren, Tokuma Utsunomiya supported Independence of Algeria.

As Kiichiro Higuchi and Chiune Sugihara, attitudes of our predecessors that helped Foreigners that were suffered by Oppressions, above Ideology, is just truly exemplary.)


The LORD works righteosness and justice for all the oppressed. (Psalms 103:6)

Prides goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. (Proverbs 16:18)