聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第18回 第2次中東戦争(Bible & Cold War 18th Suez Crisis)












After WWII, Israel became the Nation that be surrounded by Arabian Nation, and Revolution was occurred in Egypt The Nation next to the west from such Israel (Egyptian Revolution of 1952).


Egypt bannered Arab Nationalism, and nationalized Canal in its Nation that so useful (Suez Canal).

Owner of Suez Canal UK and France so angered against it and attacked Egypt with Israel that Southern Doorway (Tiran Strait) was closed by Egypt.

Egypt was in good relations with Eastern Nations like Czechoslovakia and USSR, so UK, France, Israel thought US (Hostile with Eastern Nations) support them, but US applied pressure to withdraw from Suez Canal Area with UN, USSR because later will confuse if trouble was happened between Egypt.


UK, France, Israel withdrawn from Egypt, and Egypt was handled as Hero of Arabs because fought with these three nations and won.

And US strengthened its Position as the greatest contributor of ceasefire, and become Mediator of Reconciliation between Israel and Egypt (Camp David Accords) on later.


God will bring into judgement both the righteous and the wicked, for there will be a time for every activity, a time to judge every deed. (Ecclesiastes 3:17)