聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第4回 第一次中国内戦(Bible and Cold War 4th 1st Chinese Civil War)















1st Chinese Civil War


It is First Civil War between Kuomintang that removed Opposing Groups after 1911 Revolution (1911-1912) that China regained its Independence, and Communist Party that based on Communism with Influence of USSR emerging Communist Nation.


1927, Kuomintang (Chiang Kai shek) expelled CCP that Ally on short time from Government, and remove them with other Warlords.

CCP resist by establish Chinese Soviet Republic (Ruijin), but be defeated by Chinese Government (Kuomintang) Army with Support of Germany, so escaped to Yanan through the Mountains (Long March/1934-1936).

(By the way while Long March, Mao Zedong established its Real Power in CCP.)


On the other hand, Japan was embroiled in Domestic Disputes of China and The Great Depression (Global Depression since 1929), so on 1931, Japan carried out Military Operation in Northeastern China (Mukden Incident) and established State of Manchuria (Revival of Qing), and approached until side of Beiping (Beijing).

Some Executives of Kuomintang saw it, so they persuaded Chang Kai shek by even used aggressive means (Xi'an Incident/1936), and helped establishment of ceasefire.

1st Chinese Civil War was end then, so China and Japan plunged into Full Scale Disputes.


Keypoint is CCP (Origin of Chinese Government on now. Be used fot Independence and Development of European Colonies as good as USSR on later.) solidified its base, and ROC (Kuomintang Group. Origin of Taiwan on now) was procted even though in Resistance by CCP and Conflict between Japan.