聖書 そこにある真実


戊辰戦争(9) 秋田戦争(Boshin War/9 Battle of Akita)












Meiji Government Army planned to attack Shonai Domain (Tsurugaoka) One of the Main of Former Shogunate Group, & Kubota (Akita) that many people having sympathy for Meiji Government Army supported it.

In contrast, Morioka that became doubtful against Satcho Alliance (Meain of Meiji Government Army. Aiming Destruction of Former Shogunate Group) supported Shonai (Former Shogunate Army).


Former Shogunate Army acquired many VIctories against Kubota Domain, & drove them to the edge of Destruction, but be counterattacked desparately (Battle of Tsubakidai), & other domains like Aizu, Sendai surrendered, so finally surrendered also.


In this Battle, Shonai Soldiers fought without desires for lives, for not only for their home, but for Domain (Kameda) that be betrayed by Meiji Governmeny Army also.

And there was person who angered for his homeland (Hirosaki) betrayed Former Shogunate Army, so leave there & fought as Volunteer, & stick his belief (Yoichi Honda. He became Christian on later & so contributed for Christian Education in Japan).


On the other hand, Kubota protected their home with cooperation between Meiji Government Army, even they fought with struggles.

And Measure against Shonai Domain was tolerance than most of others by approach of Takamori Saigo who One of Main Member of Meiji Government Army & his Motto is "Love God & Love People (Origin is in the Bible)", so Bond between Shonai & Takamori Saigo was created.