聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第48回 イェルサレム法(Bible & Cold War 48th Jerusalem Law)









Israel liberated East Jerusalem (There was Former Jewish Capital Old City) from Anti Jewish Group on 1967 declared Whole Jerusalem as Capital of Israel & Respect for Every Religions on 1980 (Jerusalem Law).

This was opposed by Whole World including Nations that recognized West Jerusalem as Capital of Israel (2nd), & both UNGA & UNSC adopted Resolutions that condemn it (Every Nations agreed it except Israel opposed, & US & some other countries abstained & absent).


But this Declaration proof that Israel restored its Sovereignty & Middle East War will be end by Peaceful Unification that be led by Israel clearly.

Israel restored Jerusalem with Liberty & Equality for the first time in 1910 Years.


When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. (Psalms 126:1)