聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第33回 ヨルダン内戦(Bible & Cold War 33rd Black September)














After be beat up by Israel on 1967 (3rd Middle East War), Jordan annoyed beat up with Israel.

On the other hand, Terrorists PLO that want to destroy Israel rebelled it, but they were arrogance to Palestinian Civilians, so PLO was annoyed by both Jordan Government & Palestinians.

And Extremests of PLO, PFLP jacked Airplane (Dawson's Field hijackings), so finally Jordan Government angered & beat up PLO.


Syria & USSR supported PLO, & US & Israel supported Jordan, but it will became War by US & USSR if it was escalated, so Egypt mediated it & PLO moved to Lebanon.


After that, Egypt & Jordan annoyed beat up with Israel, & in Syria, President al-Attasi that supported Terrorists PLO was imprisoned by al-Assad (Father of President Assad of now) who angered it.

So Terrosism & beat up without defense never make anything, & fair peace solve problems.

Fair Peace with consider about what is right is important truly.


Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile;

let the one who does right continue to do right; & let the holy person continue to be holy. (Revelation 22:11)