聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第44回 キャンプ・デーヴィッド合意(Bible & Cold War 44th Camp David Accords)











After Yom Kippur War, Egypt aimed reconciliation with Israel because turned from USSR side to US side.

But both didn't trust each other, so US President Carter invited both leaders (Egyptian President Sadat, Israeli PM Begin) to his Villa (Camp David) and succeed Mediation.


On next year, Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty was signed, so Israel withdrawn from Sinai Peninsula, and at the same time Israel & Egypt recognized each other & established Diplomatic Relations.

Through this, Egypt was ostracized by Arab World & President Sadat was assassinated, but this Treaty became the base of Diplomacy of Egypt after this time (Balance Diplomacy with Pro US & Pro China Policies), & Sadat was memorized in History as Great Patriot who fought so well against Israel & set Peace to the base of Future in the end.


Glory to God.


His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace (Ephesians 2:15)