聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第42回 エンテベ作戦(Bible & Cold War 42nd Operation Entebbe)















1976, Airplane from Tel Aviv to Paris was jacked by PFLP-LO (Sect of Terrorists PLO) & Revolutionary Cells (Western German Ultra Left Terrorists), & forced to go to Uganda via Libya.

President of Uganda at this time was Idi Amin, he was Pro-Israel before, but he expelled Indians & massacred his dislike people & animals so be hated by Westerns (Allies of Israel), so he angered & hated Israel & Westerns.


Terrorists push for Liberation of their fellows & Israel prepared to answer it, but by word of Minister of Defense Peres, Israel decided to beat up Terrorists.


With Support of Kenya, Israel attacked Entebbe Airport suddenly & beat up Terrorists without any damage expet 1 Soldier (Older Brother of Former PM Netanyahu) & 3 hostages, & could liberated Hostages.


Uganda angered so massacred Israeli in the Hospital & hundreds of Kenyans.

And called help to UNSC with quibbles, but it was ignored completely because Uganda supported Terrorists.

But Amin didn't repent & committed Atrocities, so he paid the prices of it.


The wicked plot against the righteous & gnash their teeth at them.

but the LORD laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming. (Psalms 37:12-13)