聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第90回(2) ソヴィエト戦争〜最期〜(Bible & Cold War 90th [2] Soviet War -Destruction-)
























Eastern Nations suppressed Israel & Jordan & Egypt, but by this, Financial Center of Africa & Middle East was destroyed & Trade Route between Europe (Center of the World in this time) & Africa, Indo-Pacific is blocked, so World Economy will be thrown into great mess, & Westerns (Europe & Americas) & Gulf Nations that took damage most by this, so all of them condemn Eastern Nations & lead International Condemnation against Eastern Nations, & International Society (In this time, all of them is Western Nations) decide absolute sanction against Eastern Nations.


Eastern Nations tried to lift Economic Sanction forcely by take Economy as Hostage, but its Operation was failed.

On the other hand, Western Nations don't want to dialogue with Eastern Nations.


For it's no longer clear, so Western Nations launched Cyber Attack to Eastern Nations & brought so terrible damage as National Existential Crisis Level to Eastern Nations (Because defence of their homeland is too weak).

Western Nations expected withdrawl of Eastern Nations through this, but its idea was too childish, & conversely, it made Eastern Nations so angry by Madness level.


Eastern Nations set up General Headquarter in Nabatieh (Now it is like Base of Hezbollah Minion of Iran) Town of Southern Lebanon & try to achieve vengeance against Western Nations by hit Nukes to main cities of Whole World, but their Destruction strike them suddenly.


First, Huge earthquake occurr in Eastern Israel (Valley of Jordan Liver. Part of Great Lift Valley.) & landslides occur in Whole World & all of Ramparts fall, so every people & animals fear because of terrible fear.

By terrible mess, Eastern Nations Army start fighting each other (First of all, they don't understand languages of each other, & they act just by order of Leader of USSR), & many soldiers lose their health by Pathogens & Radioactive substances that by scattered by Weapons of Mass Destruction like Chemical Weapons & Nukes was damaged.

And all of Eastern Nations Army got stabbed by combination of Torrents of rains, Hailstones, Burning sulfur (Fire of Hell), so they were destroyed & all of their bodies was eat by Animals & Birds.

(As a side note, their bone was buried in Ruin of Nabatieh [Hamonah] by Israeli Volunteers for 7 Months, & their Weapons & Fuels is recover by Israelis, & it is use as their life-giving Fuel in Era of Worst Disaster in History [Tribulation].)


And immediately after Destruction of Eastern Nations Army, Burning Sulfur (Fire of Hell) strike Eastern Nations themselves, & destroy all of Residents & Animals & Plants.


Whole World watch Intervation of God that save Israel & Egypt & Jordan from USSR Group (Eastern Nations) that rule Inland of Eurasia by Overwhelming Violences with Territory & Military that greater than British Empire, & especially some of Jewish People believe Message of Salvation that they heard before (Gospel) truly through they watch Christ saved them even they crucified him, & they become Driver of Greatest Revival in History (144,000 of Israel).


Bible Verses & Documents

Ezekiel 38:13-39:29

Daniel 11:44-45