聖書 そこにある真実


モンゴル帝国と東側諸国(Mongol Empire & Eastern Nations)















Today is 860th Anniversary of Birth of Genghis Khan (Lunar Calender).

So, watch Relations between Mongolian Empire & Eastern Nations.


Mongol Empire (1206-1635) ruled whole area from Turkiye to Korea when it was strongest & had 2nd Largest Territory in History (1st is UK, 0th is European Empire of False Christ that appear in future).

They used Moscow as Base for rule Rus' (Russia) (1263) after destroyed ancestor of Russia (Kievan Rus') (1240).


After Restoration of Independence, Russia unified Cavalry Tactics with Slavic Culture since ancient & Orthodoxy Culture (From Greece) & used it well, & built Status of Titleholder of North (Russian Empire).

Especially Soldiers that ride Horses well (Cossacks) contributed for rising of Russia.

Russia used Power that gained then well & confront with Westerns till the End of this World (Cold War) as Leader (USSR) of Anti Westerns Group (Eastern Nations).


In short, Russia became Nation with Great Military Power that confront Westerns till the End of this World by use Cavalry Tactics from Mongol Empire that Genghis Khan estblished well.


Your Whole Army (Eastern Nations)- your horses, your horsemen fully armed, & a grate horde with large & small shields, all of them brandishing their swords (One of the strongest Army in this World from Cavalries). (Ezekiel 38:4).