聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第75回 第3次湾岸戦争(Bible & Cold War 75th 3rd Gulf War)


















US destroyed Taliban Afghanistan on 2001 for September 11 Attack & decided some 3 Nations (Iran, Iraq, North Korea) as "Axis of Evil" with put their Evils on the past (Natives Genocide, Repetition of Invasions to other countries, Drop Atomic Bomb) on the shelf.

In this time, US Leaders of Mammonism (MIC) incited US Government cause they couldn't make their money by Weapons Business cause War didn't broke out, so US Government fabricated Iraqi Possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction.


So US attacked Iraq with several nations like UK, & took it under control in a moment.

Hussein Leader of Iraq was caught by US & he was exectuted by Kangaroo Court on several years later.


After that, Iraq became Battlefield of Conflict between US & Iran (Iraqi Civil War) & it brought tragedy to Iraq.

Now, Iraq is under strong influence of Iran (It connect to Final Battle of Cold War in the End of this War on Ezekiel 38).


Iraq under Hussein committed many evils like Invade Iran & Kuwait, hated Israel, massacred Kurds, but at the same time, he forced Peace to Iraq.

Necessary for solve his Faults is understand he kept Peace of Iraq, & mediated him & opposites against him.


Even some Administration is crazy, Answer is make Will of People come true as peaceful as possible.


Human anger doesn't produce the righteous that God desires. (James 1:20)

But the Scriptures must be fulfilled. (Mark 14:49)