聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第25回 インドネシア・マレーシア紛争(Bible & Cold War 25th Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation)












In Indonesia that completely independent on 1950, Inside of Nation was so confused, so Sukarno bannered "Guided Democracy" & "NASACOM (Nationalism, Religion, Communism", & do Politics by bundle Lefts (Communist Party) & Rights (Military), & be friend with China & Third World (Neutral Emerging Countries).

With that momentum, he expelled Netherlands from West Papua (Operation Trikola) & attacked Malaysia with territorial claim against North Borneo while Malaysia was established (Federation of Malaya incorporated North Borneo) (Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation).


Indonesia beaten up each other with Malaysia in North Borneo & Singapore Area, & withdrawn from UN with anger against it because of UN set Malaysia Non-permanent members, & established CONEFO (Headquarter is Jakarta) with China & some others, & hated & excluded Westerns thoroughly.

So Communist Party (Be supported by China) was elated & killed Leaders of Military, so Military that be led by Suharto angered & beat up them (30 September Movement), so Suharto acquired Power with support of US (Annoyed Sukarno), & made Conflict end by reconciliation between Malaysia.


Sukarno led Independence of Indonesia, but he was expelled from Political World by he was elated & began beat up with Malaysia each other & Communist Party was elated through it.

It was available to attention that he maintained Independence from Westerns, but claimed about North Borneo unilaterally without Will of Residents became his Disasters.


Put your sword back in its place... for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. (Matthew 26:52)