聖書 そこにある真実


聖書と冷戦 第5回 第2次エチオピア戦争(Bible and Cold War 5th 2nd Italo-Ethiopian War)














2nd Ethiopian War


Haile Sellasie I who became Ethiopian Emperor on 1930 hated Italy that had Colony on side of its Nation, so Italy applied it and plan about Attack against Ethiopia.

Italy attacked Ethiopia once and be defeated (1st Italo-Ethiopian War/1894-1896), so in addition to Retaliation of it, and "Civilization" of Ethiopia, with these reasons, and UK and France didn't interested except Profits of its Nation, so Italy attacked Ethiopia (Without Declaration of War).


Italy used Tanks and Fighter Planes well, and won against Ethiopian Army that had almost only Bows and Arrows, Spears, Matchlocks (Holding amount of Tanks and Fighter Planes are Less than 1/200 of Italy), and took control of Whole Ethiopia.

LN sanctioned Ethiopia because of it, but UK thought everything is well except it was damaged, so tolerated Italian Control of Ethiopia (Italian East Africa).


In this War, Germany (Hitler) gave great support to Ethiopia to glued Italy (Ally of Germany) to Eastern Africa.

So in shortly, Both Italy and Ethiopia were controled on Hitler's palm.


Ethiopia regained its Independence with Support of UK on 5 Years later, at the same time, UK and France paid the Price of their Sobriety (Be attacked by Germany and Italy on WWII).