聖書 そこにある真実


GREAT REPENTANCE 第1章まとめ(Summary of 1st Chapter)








Harumi Ohno Girl Highschool Student who all of her family & friends were fade away & be left behind. But she organized her thoughts about God through Testimony Notes & some other things that her family left away.

After that, Young Spanish Politician Jose Santos unified the World as Western Nations, but USSR Group (Eurasian Cooperation Organization. Committed many Terrorism for Violence Revolution, so be isolated from the World) invaded Israel & Egypt, & acquired Victory.

The World couldn't do almost anything except condemned USSR Group, but God brought confuse to USSR Group Army & destroyed them, & destroyed their homelands by Fires from the Heaven.

Harumi saw it, so she worshiped God first time in her life.




(I Thessalonians 4:16-18, Ezekiel 38:1-39:8, Daniel 11:36-45)